The 'Contact Us' page provides our address and contact information to the visitors on our website. For more information or questions about our products & services, please contact us at the following address. Your comments are important to the growth of our business. Let us know how we are doing.
Color by WEASEL 1844 Whiting Way Lugoff, SC 29078
Phone: 803-427-3620
Hours of Operation: Tuesday thru Saturday 10am to 7pm CLOSED SUNDAY and MONDAY (Call for appointment outside normal hours...I'm close, I'll come by! )
*NOTE: H.O.K., House of KOLOR, Harley Davidson, Capital Thunder, Thunder Tower HArley Davidson, or any other brand names are registered trademarks and/or copywrited, and are not affiliated with "Color by WEASEL". These items are as reference only.