Paint and varnish materials (VKM)
Paint and varnish materials (LCM) - multicomponent system, which is applied in liquid or powder form to the previously prepared surface and after drying (hardening) forms a strong, well bonded film with the base. The resulting film is called a paint coating. Varnishes and paints are used to protect metal and other types of products from external harmful factors (moisture, gases, air, etc.), to give the surface a decorative quality.
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We offer: anti-corrosive, flame retardant, marine, furniture, facade, construction, automotive, heat resistant, special paints, compositions for road marking, solvents, hardeners, detergents, adhesives, etc. A huge range, high quality, prompt delivery.
Properties of paints and varnishes
Paint and varnish materials properties can be divided into physical-chemical, chemical and painting-technical.
Physico-chemical properties of paintwork materials mean viscosity, hiding power, density and speed of curing (drying) of the film.
Chemical properties of paintwork materials include percentage of constituents, amount of fillers, film-forming agents, water-soluble salts, solvents, etc.
Paint and technical properties describe the ease of working with paintwork materials, i.e. flowability, overflow, applicability, degree of abrasion, density.
Paint and varnish properties
Paint coatings are films formed as a result of the drying of paintwork materials. Such films must also meet certain requirements and have certain properties:
- decorative (appearance, paint color, gloss);
- chemical (stability at influence of atmospheres, aggressive gases, alkalis, acids, various chemical solutions, water, oils, oil, gasoline, emulsions, soap solutions);
- physico-chemical (wear resistance, strength, hardness, elasticity, bending strength, adhesion);
- protective (durability in different atmospheric conditions, thermal stability, light fastness, cold resistance);
- paint and technical (well lend themselves to sanding, polishing, scraping);
- electrical insulating;
- special paints and varnishes must have additional specific properties.
Paint and varnish materials are widely used to protect metals from corrosion.