Silicone coating Silant-11
A high quality composition based on liquid silicone rubber. It is used for preservation of metal products, equipment, long-term protection of components, various metal surfaces against aggressive environmental influences. Silicone coating Silant-11 perfectly resists high temperatures, vibrations, thermal shocks, high humidity, is characterized by high dielectric properties.
Silant-12 silicone coating
Protective silicone coating Silant-12 is used to protect concrete, wood, metal structures from aggressive external factors such as high humidity, rainfall, solar radiation, saline solutions, etc. Silicone layer increases the service life of products even under the influence of high and low temperatures, multiple transitions through zero.
Silicone coating Silant-21
Unlike silicone protectors Silant-11 and Silant-12, Silant-21 forms transparent layer that widely used for protection of decorative elements like monuments, fencings, etc. from moisture, extreme temperatures and aggressive environment.
Application and curing of silicone coatings
Silicone protective coatings cure at room temperature through moisture in the air or at elevated temperatures (accelerated polymerization). Silicon Coatings can be applied to a surface in several ways: by dipping, pouring, or spraying. It is worth considering the drying time of the composition. The most commonly used method is spraying under high pressure. Dipping is appropriate when painting large batches.
Before applying silicone protective coating you must carefully degrease the surface, clean it of dust and various contaminants. The adhesion of the silicone coating to the substrate and its durability depends on the quality of surface preparation.
Printed Circuit Board Coating
Silicone protective coatings such as Silant-11 are in demand in electronics. They are applied in thin layers to printed circuit boards and many other REA products. Silicone layer reliably protects printed circuits from moisture, solvents, prevents corrosion, short circuits, and greatly increases product life. The valuable properties of silicone coatings make them suitable for use in aggressive environments.
Silicone Protective Coatings Applications
Silicone coatings are used as protective layers in military, automotive, industrial electronics, and many other applications. Silicone-based compositions are excellent not only for corrosion protection of metal items, instruments, parts of electronic equipment during operation. They are often used for preservation of equipment or forming waterproof, insulating layer during long-term storage.
Silicone protective coatings effectively protect metal products, equipment, parts from various manifestations of moisture (rain, steam, condensation, moisture, salt and chlorinated water, etc.), prevent the formation of mold, mildew on the contacts, provide protection against insulation breakdown and significantly and significantly increase the life of electrical equipment.
Silicone protective coatings are widely used to protect: transformers, electric motors of different capacity, printed circuit boards, terminal connections, electrical contacts and contact groups, external excitation windings, stator windings of electric motors, electric drives of winches, pumps, etc. Silants have also proven to be excellent for corrosion protection of metal equipment.